How do you use CountThis in your business?

CountThis creates opportunities to automate counting processes for small businesses in many industries—from retail to manufacturing—thereby reducing the number of mistakes caused by human factors and saving time and money.

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Lumber Industry


A lumber company with an annual production volume of 20,000 m3 was seeking ways to count logs faster and rearrange the data recording process so as to minimize counting errors.

Our solution:

Our comprehensive solution has become an integral part of the company’s production process reorganization: we provided over 100 subscriptions for the employees and helped integrate the solution into the company’s current business strategy.

That resulted in a 20% rise in the speed of loading and unloading and a 5-time decrease in human-caused counting errors.


Manufacturing Industry


The owner of a plastic tube manufacturing company with a monthly turnover of 90 tonnes (198,416 lbs) was curious about implementing CountThis as a way to reduce the employees’ workload and, therefore, improve their overall satisfaction with the working conditions. Previously, tube counting was the duty of production line operators and managers who supervised the production, loading, and unloading processes.

Our solution:

We provided the company’s managers and staff with 20 licenses—as a result, CountThis helped the employees do their job much faster. For instance, a manager saved an average of up to 7 hours a week on counting (with a record high of 60+ hours!). Production line operators admitted, “Getting rid of the counting burden lets us focus firmly on the production process and worry less about the possible errors.”


Retail Sales


The owners of building supplies and materials stores (selling pipes, wood, and fittings) were seeking ways to automate their counting processes at a reasonable price. Purchasing additional devices or costly software wasn’t an option.

Our solution:

The owners started with a test drive of CountThis and purchased 10 subscriptions to use in one of the stores. That 3-month testing period showed the app fully met the owners’ expectations: the staff enjoyed speedy counting; the incidence of human-caused errors dropped, and monthly inventories took 60% less time.

After a successful testing period, the company decided to buy 50 more CountThis subscriptions to facilitate the processes in their 4 other stores.


Transport and Logistics


Counting boxes and the CEO’s efforts to monitor the process ate up a huge part of the working day. The company was looking for a mobile solution that would work anywhere, which is essential for the logistics industry.

Our solution:

The CountThis app simplified the counting process wherever it was: in a warehouse or while dispatching and receiving the goods.

The head of the company commented on the new solution: “I’m pleased to see using CountThis has freed up time for things more important than manual counting, like for overseeing all the processes personally, which has always been my priority.”


Manufacturing Industry


A manufacturing company specializing in the production of building supplies was seeking a way to automate counting and inventory processes. The company’s product range included custom-shaped goods, which made adopting a plug-and–lay solution impossible.

Our solution:

We suggested creating a customized solution based on CountThis. It took our specialists 2 weeks to ‘train’ the app’s neural network to identify and count the unusually shaped items, and viola—the company now has a powerful tool tailored to their needs. During the next half a year, our client was expanding the product range and introducing more shapes—and again, we managed to teach CountThis to count those new shapes.


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